Looking for dcs magik? Get direct access to dcs magik through official links provided below.
Last updated at November 25th, 2020All other Vendor Inquiries DCSPaymentResearchUnit@dcs.in.gov DCS Local Office Subscriptions Manage Subscription; Help call Technical Helpdesk at 317-234-3214 or Toll-Free at 1-800-225-9173 ... DCS MaGIK | IN.gov. Session Timeout Warning. Your session is about to expire. ...
Status : OnlineYour session is about to expire. If you wish to continue with this session, please click on the OK button. If you do not need to continue, click the Log Off button to be logged out of the system.
Status : OnlineWelcome to the QA Testing Environment.Login with user name and password to access the QA Environment.To access MaGIK Production Environment please use the following URL: https://magik.dcs.in.gov/Portal/
Status : OnlineDCS Magic - Over 50 pages of information with 16 Fields of Magic and over 150 Spells for the DCS Fantasy System. All spells have wri
Status : OnlineIf you still have trouble after receiving the email, please contact the MaGIK Help Desk at support@stateofindiana.zendesk.com or by calling 317-234-3214 or Toll-Free at 1-800-225-9173. Please remember that KidTraks is supported on Internet Explorer (Version 11 or later) or Firefox (version 45 or later).
Status : OnlineFoster Parents: All foster parents regardless of licensing agency: Foster Parent Vendors: Foster Parents who have been paid in last 6 months
Status : OnlineExisting DCS Vendors using the “KidTraks Vendor Portal” should login through the DCS MaGIK Gateway to access the "CPI/CPS Portal" menu from their main dashboard page. Registration for Non-KidTraks Vendors or Newly Formed Organizations should complete a one-time registration process to become an Organization through the CPI/CPS Portal ...
Status : Online“CPI/CPS Portal Registration” - The “CPI/CPS Portal” is the newest member of the DCS “MaGIK Gateway.” Organizations not already established to access the DCS “MaGIK Gateway” will be required to register. A new link to the “CPI/CPS Registration” will be available, no sooner than Monday, June 4th.
Status : OnlineDCS Vendor Forms Catalog. Adoption Assistance Subsidies: DCS Internet Site. Indiana Department of Child Services Indiana State Website. Central Eligibility Unit 302 W. Washington Street, Room E306, MS47 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2739 Submit an Issue ...
Status : Online4. Login to KidTraks: https://magik.dcs.in.gov via PC or laptop using Firefox or Internet Explorer, and select KidTraks at the left of the screen. 5. From the blue menu bar near the top, select “Invoices,” then select the “Add New \ Submit Pending Invoice” tab. 6. Complete the following fields on the “Enter Invoice On-line” tab:
Status : OnlineTroubleshoot
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