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Last updated at November 25th, 2020Northern Wells Community Schools 312 N. Jefferson St. Ossian, IN. 46777 Phone: 260.622.4125
Status : OnlinePowerSchool Parent Access. 20-21 Transfer Agreement. PowerSchool Parent SSO Instructions. Release of Information NMS. Volunteer Form. Welcome Information for NMS Parents. Welcome Information for NMS Students. Compliance Notice. NWCS Criminal Gangs and Gang Activity Policy. Norwell Middle School 1100 E. US 224 Ossian, IN. 46777 Phone: 260.543 ...
Status : OnlineIf you finished the year last year at NWCS, or you have been setup in PowerSchool by a counselor, you will login to your Parent Access Account and complete the registration. Links for Parents. MySchoolBucks is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to pay for school fees, student meals and more.
Status : OnlineNWCS Powerschool Parent Por tal C reati ng a P o w ers c ho o l P arent P o r tal Ac c o unt P o w er Sch o o l, o u r o n lin e st u d en t in f o r ma t io n sy st em, p r o v id es a ccess t o y o u r st u d en t 's cu r r en t g r a d es a n d a t t en d a n ce t h r o u g h t h e in t er n et . ...
Status : OnlineField. Description. Student Name. Enter the first and last name of the student you want to add to your account. Note: Regardless of the name you enter, the system will populate the name based on the access ID and password for the student. Access ID. Enter the unique access ID for the student.
Status : OnlineRegistration will be completed online through PowerSchool using your parent PowerSchool account. Online registration began July 20th. To expedite your registration process, you should complete the online portion of the registration process prior to our Aug. 3 Registration event.
Status : OnlineTroubleshoot
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