Sapphire Nesd

Looking for sapphire nesd? Get direct access to sapphire nesd through official links provided below.

Last updated at November 25th, 2020

Follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Go to sapphire nesd page via official link below.
  • Step 2. Login using your username and password. Login screen appears upon successful login.
  • Step 3. If you still can't access sapphire nesd then see Troublshooting options here.

Sapphire Community Portal - Logon

Northeastern School District Username Password PIN Forgot your password? New Student Registration

Status : Online

Sapphire Software

Sapphire Software is an internet based, state-of-the-art administrative tool designed by K12 Systems. The modules in the Sapphire Suite bring together information from school administrators, teachers, nurses, and office staff, allowing them and parents real-time access to student progress and school information anytime and anywhere they have ...

Status : Online

Sapphire Suite - Logon

Northeastern School District. Username. Password

Status : Online

Student/Parent login for Sapphire / Login for Grades

Step 4: After clicking the Continue button from the previous step, the "Sapphire Community Web Portal User Agreement" should be displayed on your screen. Carefully read the agreement, and when you have finished, scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the text " I have read and agree to the above policies.

Status : Online

Logon - Sapphire SchoolNurse

Northeastern School District Username Password 11/16/2020 7:12AM Site contents Copyright © 2012-2020 by K12 Systems, Inc. unless otherwise indicated.

Status : Online

Sapphire | Technology

Intermediate Elementary School. 50 E Division St. North East, PA 16428 Phone: 814-725-8671 x3000 Fax: 814-725-8643 Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Status : Online

Sapphire Parent Portal Instructions | Parents/Students

SAPPHIRE PARENT/GUARDIAN PORTAL ENROLLMENT INSTRUCTIONS North East School District utilizes the Sapphire K-12 student information system to communicate with parents and guardians, providing online access to basic school account and grade information for your child. This is also the system that the district uses for mass phone and text alerts ...

Status : Online

1:1 Chromebook Agreements | Technology

Chromebook Distribution Sapphire Message: Good evening North East Families, this is Dr. Renne, Principal of North East High School. I have some very important information to share with families of children in grades 3 through 12 regarding the NESD's 1 to 1 Chromebook distribution. Every student in grades 3 through 12 will be given a district ...

Status : Online

Sapphire Community Portal - Logon

Students will be provided access to the Community Web Portal by their teachers. If you have forgotten your PIN, please contact the office of the building your child attends by calling 814-725-8671 and following the prompts.

Status : Online

North East School District | North East School District

NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT. North East School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, culture, religion, sex, marital status, age, political beliefs, socio-economic status, disabling condition, or vocational interest in its activities, programs or employment practices as required in Title IX of the ...

Status : Online


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  • Clear your browser cache and cookies.
  • Make sure the internet connection is avaiable and you’re definitely online before trying again.
  • Avoid using VPN.

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